Saturday, March 23, 2013

Phantasmagoria - The Record Of Modern Magic


From the French 'fantasme' or phantasm/ghost & '-agorie' or 'production/play' 
An optical illusion produced by manipulating light from a special 'magic' lantern. Phantasmagoria, that is what they will call this day. A day when everything changes. When everything taken as fact turns into fiction. A day when everything taken as fiction turns into fact. A day when fantasy and illusion became reality.

A day... when Magic came to the otherwise normal real world.

And slowly, silently, the world goes mad.

And here it is! The first release! Project Cor presents:
Phantasmagoria - The Record of Modern Magic
A contemporary/urban fantasy tale of magic in the real world.

This first release, which you can think of as a sort of beta, only has the story up through the prologue.
I'll be releasing updates as I finish various chapters, so stay tuned!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Welcome to a New World

Hola and G'morn to everyone :)

Welcome to the very first posting of Project CoR's new blog! *Golfclap*

For those wondering, the 'CoR' in Project CoR stands for 'Chronicle of Realms' which is both the title of my first original fiction story, and also something over an over-arching title I use for -all- my stories.

For the moment, Project CoR is dedicated to unleashing a tale called 'Phantasmagoria - The Record of Modern Magic' in a visual novel format. It -is- currently a one man project, so it may take a while, but I have made good progress so far.

If you're skilled in the art of sprite or background making and want to help out, feel free to contact me at

On the off chance you're good with music, don't feel shy about contacting either! Music is the one thing I -can't- do for myself on this project, so for the time being, I've settled for scouring the internet for royalty free music to use.

For those interested in the -current- art of Phantasmagoria, visit My Deviantart Gallery.