Saturday, March 23, 2013

Phantasmagoria - The Record Of Modern Magic


From the French 'fantasme' or phantasm/ghost & '-agorie' or 'production/play' 
An optical illusion produced by manipulating light from a special 'magic' lantern. Phantasmagoria, that is what they will call this day. A day when everything changes. When everything taken as fact turns into fiction. A day when everything taken as fiction turns into fact. A day when fantasy and illusion became reality.

A day... when Magic came to the otherwise normal real world.

And slowly, silently, the world goes mad.

And here it is! The first release! Project Cor presents:
Phantasmagoria - The Record of Modern Magic
A contemporary/urban fantasy tale of magic in the real world.

This first release, which you can think of as a sort of beta, only has the story up through the prologue.
I'll be releasing updates as I finish various chapters, so stay tuned!

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